Update - 7/29/2015 - Corrections to Integrated Disclosure Rule continue!
The CFPB's newest "final" rule amended the TILA-RESPA Integrated Disclosure (TRID) Rule.
Changed the timing requirement for the issuance of a revised Loan Estimate resulting from a rate lock event to align with the timing requirement for all other changed circumstances - the third business day after the triggering event (the rate lock).
The rule announced yesterday also added
1.) Optional disclosure to the Loan Estimate for certain construction loans that are expected not to close until after more than 60 days from issuance of the Loan Estimate,
2.) Added the LE and CB to the list of documents requiring Loan Originator names and NMLSR IDs.
Disclosure AND Timing - 10/3/2015 Loan Estimate Process
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While you have some time before you HAVE to be ready, the deadlines are quickly approaching. |
Highlights of Actual Changes From GFE to Loan Estimate Process
TRID - Truth-in-Lending and RESPA Integrated DisclosureLEAP - Loan Estimate Application Procedure
While many industry compliance experts toll the warning bells loudly and repeatedly that the sky is falling, the reality emerges that the new loan estimate process represents a refinement of the 2010 GFE process and the elimination of the TIL. Regulators should receive some credit for the difficult task they have accomplished involving combining two completely different laws into one unified customer facing document. Here we take the time to step backward and look at the real changes, and see where our actual policies and procedures will have to change to ensure and prove compliance.
First, from a conceptual framework, the process itself hasn't changed. The industry has and continues to provide RESPA and TIL disclosures, and the procedure for resolving changes and errors remain the same. The difference is that, because of the unified form, instead of having two separate paths (TIL and RESPA) we now have one. The benefits of a single track outweigh potential complications from misunderstanding. Examining GFE 2010 and TIL/MDIA, and then identifying the components required from each, provides a framework for implementation.
Loan Estimate Differences
GFE 2010
Loan Estimate 2015
Six Items and anything else needed
Application Received
Six Items ONLY – cannot refuse to issue based on "Additional Info Needed"
Consumer Name
Consumer Address
Consumer Social
Property Address
Property Value
Mortgage Amount
Intent to Proceed
Intent to Proceed
No Change
3 Days/3 Days
3 Days/3 Days and 7 Days
3 Days/3 Days and 7 Days
7 Business days before consummation is the TIL
Changed Circumstance within 3 Days
Changed Circumstance within 3 Days
Cannot be based on information provided earlier, Revised
Estimate within 3 business days
Lock in – Changed Circumstance
Reissue New TIL on lock date
Reissue LE within 24 hours of Lock-in
Financing Agreement signed FIRST, then revised Loan Estimate
Closing Disclosure
4 Business Days prior or mail 7 calendar days
HUD 1 prepared by Settlement Agent/Lender Review
Closing Disclosure prepared by Lender
7 days prior
Tolerance 0/10/100
1/8th or ¼ or
0/10/100 Costs and 1/8th or ¼ APR
No Change here, but if one or the other change, must
issue. You must disclose at least 1 service provider
Initial Disclosure Provided by Broker and Lender
Creditor including Broker OR Lender
Creditor ONLY
Broker can issue, but becomes creditor, impossible in some
Pre-Qual -Non-GFE Cost Estimate
“New Language”
“Your actual rate, payment, and costs could be higher.
Get an official Loan Estimate before choosing a loan.”
30/60 days to correct
30/60 days to cure
30 days to issue corrected closing disclosure
60 days to refund funds and corrected disclosure to cure
Document Preparation
Integrating your Systems into Procedure
If your LOS or Doc Prep vendor has not provided you a roadmap for these elements, note that the compliance deadline nears. You should allow yourself 60 days to update your procedures and alert your staff to several new definitions, as well as conducting some dry runs to ensure you can execute on August 1, 2015. Working backwards, this means that your LOS and Doc Prep vendors should have information to you at least 60 days in advance of this. That means your vendors should have your products updated by April 1, 2015.
Sample Procedures - Click here to Download Sample Policy & Procedure
Loan Estimate Process
- Cost Estimate process (must state NOT a Loan Estimate - and look different)
- Deliver Loan Estimate and Settlement Providers within 3 days
- Property/transaction NOT mobile, Reverse, HELOC
- Customer provides 6 items
- Application received
- Intent to Proceed
- Customer acknowledges intent to proceed
- 10 Days pass - Loan Estimate expires
- Change of Circumstance
- Application Date > 8/1/2015?
- Deliver Revised Loan Estimate within 3 days
- Lock-in
- Application Date > 8/1/2015?
- If AT Application, Loan Estimate within 3 days
- If AFTER Application Deliver Revised Loan Estimate WITH Lock-in/Financing Agreement
- Closing Preparation
- Application Date > 8/1/2015?
- 7 Days since Initial Estimate
- 4 Days since revised estimate received by customer
- 7 Days Prior Closing Cost Disclosure Review and Deliver to Borrower and Settlement Agent
- 24 hours prior deliver Final Closing Cost Disclosure
- Closing Audit
- Application Date > 8/1/2015?
- Completed within 30 days
- Funds refunded (if necessary) with revised cost disclosure within 60 days
- Retention
- Application Date > 8/1/2015?
- Retain ALL documents for 5 years from date of consummation
ProClose 10 Things (Doc Prep Vendor's Perspective)
Dodd-Frank Update - Howard Lax Article
One of the large changes I am seeing in this new process is the loan officers ability to gather information (ie...bank statements, purchase contract, paystubs, etc.) from the client prior to the Loan Estimate being provided. For mortgage companies with a centralized disclosure desk this would pose an issue if you are taking a face to face interview of your client and in order for the loan officer to be compliant with these new rules they would need to wait for the Loan Estimate to be done before collecting any of the documents from the client. Am I correct in my understanding of 1026.19(e)(2)(iii)?
ReplyDeleteGreat comment. Turn this reading around: the loan officer CANNOT hold back the estimate as a result of not having information (as under GFE 2010 rules) beyond the 6 elements. The combination of TIL and RESPA means that a discussion of a specific loan amount will drive the generation of a Loan Estimate. The writers INTENDED to require early disclosure. This shouldn't change current process too much as the intent to proceed process and expiration of the Loan Estimate still exists.
DeleteThe downside is that the estimate may precede an ACTUAL application pursuant to the lender's credit policy, so the magnitude scope of the potential change of circumstance situation vastly increases. Instead of waiting until he or she has everything needed to issue an ACCURATE estimate, the estimate will change when the borrower provides additional information.